Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Valentine

As Valentine's Day approaches, I can't help thinking about how blessed I am to have such an amazing husband.  He is not going to appreciate that I have posted all of these funny pictures of him but I just can't help myself.  He is such a clown and that is what I love about him.  He makes life so much fun!
 Who could resist this face? 

I have never met anyone that can make me laugh like Kyle.  When I am having a bad day and feel like the world is coming to an end, he knows how to make it better.  
He has the most amazing sense of humor.

This is Kyle on a camping trip.  He made it his mission to gross my mom out by not washing his hair so that he could make a mohawk!  He was successful!  She was completely grossed out and annoyed.

Kyle has a great relationship with my parents.  It means a lot to me that they get along so well.

Kyle on his 27th Birthday.
I threw him a suprise party at the IMAX theater.
I couldn't help myself once they told me that they would post a picture of the Birthday Boy on the big screen.  Everyone in the theater thought this was hilarious!  So did Kyle... 

I love his passion for XBOX!  This is what I call his secretary gear.
This is Kyle dominating MAN DATE NIGHT.
I try not to play too many games with Kyle.  I guess I am a sore loser.  
It's rare that I ever win unless we end up on the same team.

Being a boy!  This is on our honeymoon in Hawaii.
We had such an amazing time.  I love his sense of adventure.
We went snorkeling, hiking, tried new food, saw the volcanos, and really experienced Hawaii.
He is also so patient of me.  I did a lot of shopping too and he was a really good sport.

It is a wonderful thing to have such a perfect companion.  I am thankful for him every day.  He is my best friend in the whole world.  I look forward to our many adventures together.  There is no one in the world that I would rather experience life with.  We truly are the perfect balance for eachother.  

I am one lucky girl to have such an amazing Valentine!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, my wife loves me... So much that she wants to share all of my "totally awesome" pictures :P


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